Counterbrockage Price Guide

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A counterbrockage error involves a cap die and a previously struck coin. When a cap die strikes a previously struck coin, the obverse design from that struck coin will be impressed into the cap. The result will be a design where the cap face will be an incuse brockage. When a new blank is struck by this cap die with an incuse brockage image, the obverse will have a raised and spread image from that incuse design of the cap. This brockage impression is known as a counterbrockage.

Counterbrockage Price Guide

Additional Price Guide Entries:

Multi Struck Coins

Uni Face Coins



Partial Collar Coins

Wrong Planchet / Off Metal Errors

Off Center Coins

Mated Coins

Martha Washington Test Pieces


U.S. Gold Errors

Fold Overs

Double Denominational Coins

Die Caps

Adjustment Strikes




Bonded Coins

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