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Die Caps

A struck coin remains on a die and leaves its slowly fading impression (called brockage) on subsequently struck coins  and, over time, changing shape to resemble a bottle cap.

Die Caps Price Guide


die caps

Die caps are caused when a struck coin sticks to the upper hammer die. Once the coin is stuck to the die face, the reverse of the struck coin becomes the new die face. When the next blank is fed

into the collar and the strike occurs, the reverse design of the adhered struck coin impresses itself into the new blank. This struck coin is a brockage strike. The coin that adhered to the upper die is known as a die cap. This process repeats itself as more coins are struck by the cap. The greater the number of strikes, the higher the cap metal will be pushed around the upper die shaft. Eventually, the cap brakes away from the die in the shape of a thimble.

Additional Price Guide Entries:

Multi Struck Coins

Uni Face Coins



Partial Collar Coins

Wrong Planchet / Off Metal Errors

Off Center Coins

Mated Coins

Martha Washington Test Pieces


U.S. Gold Errors

Fold Overs

Double Denominational Coins

Die Caps

Adjustment Strikes




Bonded Coins

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