Let’s run through these bills in search of error banknotes and fancy serial numbers! in this video we find a great $10 bill with a star in its serial number. These are replacement notes and although not super valuable in most ways, they can be worth a ton of money! Check it out!
Starnote Lookup: https://varietyerrors.com/star-note-lookup-and-data/
Modern Coin Price Guide: https://varietyerrors.com/modern-coin-price-guide-free
Error Coin Price Guide: https://varietyerrors.com/coin-price-guide/
Blockchain News: https://varietyerrors.com/bitcoin-and-blockchain-news/
Banknote Guide https://varietyerrors.com/paper-money-price-guide/
My Book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1693896982
Thanks for joining the currency and coin community here on YouTube!
We strive to put out videos as quickly as we can that cover coins and bank notes.
Remember… Always check your bills!
Serial numbers, miscuts, and errors of all kinds can make their way into your pocket or wallet. These can be worth hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars!
Comment or email us any questions or suggestions for videos on coins, bills and other banknotes, precious metals and more!
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Helpful Links:
My Book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Turn-Pocket-Change-into-Profit-ebook/dp/B07Y1HC1M7/