This 1861 $2 bill from the Northwest Bank of Warren, Pennsylvania, are not only beautiful but can also be worth a ton of money in the right condition. Even this beat-up version of this note sold for almost $100 in auction, which is wonderful for not only a premium over the $2 face value but for an obsolete bank note.
let’s talk about this really cool
1861 $2 bank note from the Northwestern
Bank of Warren
Pennsylvania these are really cool
obsolete Bank notes that were done away
with quite some years ago and are really
valuable even when they’re beat up like
this note the other cool thing about
this note is it has a blank
back interestingly enough many aspects
of the note were handwritten like like
the signatures as well as the portions
of the series number and date and other
aspects of the note these can be
extremely valuable and are really highly
sought after as they’re not only
beautiful but they’re getting harder and
harder to find and if they’re in really
good condition they can be worth
hundreds of dollars this note sold an
auction for