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lack of ink error bill banknote found worth tons of money

LACK OF INK ODOMETER BILL FOUND Searching for Rare Bills in Pocket Money Thanks for joining the currency and coin community here on YouTube!

We strive to put out videos as quickly as we can that cover coins and bank notes.

LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO! AND… Remember… Always check your bills!

Serial numbers, miscuts, and errors of all kinds can make their way into your pocket or wallet. These can be worth hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars!

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5 thoughts on “”

  1. I have a 1969 five dollar star note in very good condition do you know what it might be worth thank you.

  2. I have a 2013 $1 dollar bill its shorter in length and in height and it is faded on front and back but only ink that’s like regular 1 dollar bills is the serial number the seals and the 4 bigger numbers that’s that’s over and under the serial numbers I was curious about the value is on this dollar. If any kind of information would be awesome I have searched and searched and can not find anything about it

  3. Christina Martin

    I have 17 one dollar bill look brand new , year 2017 series D . They have errors and a lot of ink on parts of them also some of the numbers look like they were filled in with pin. How much are they worth ? Also there Steven T. M

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