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Real Profits from the Money in Your Pocketbirthday note bill searching coins variety and error coin price guide

Bill and Coin Error searching is one of my favorite hobbies. There is nothing like it!

If you have never checked out the banknotes and coins in your pocket in search of error and variety coins, then you have been missing out!!

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We strive to put out videos as quickly as we can that cover coins and bank notes.



Remember… Always check your bills!

Serial numbers, miscuts, and errors of all kinds can make their way into your pocket or wallet. These can be worth hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars!

Comment or email us any questions or suggestions for videos on coins, bills and other banknotes, precious metals and more!

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The BIGGEST Coin Community on the Internet!

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One thought on “Real Profits from the Money in Your Pocket”
  1. I have 2017 series D dollar bill that are like new with a lot of ink on and on the some of the numbers look like pin . How much are they worth ? I have 17

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