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Mining Supplies and Camping Supplies Throughout History

mining supplies camping supplies list

[corner-ad id=1]In this portion of the article, we will discuss what a good supply list can do for any camping or mining trip. First off, this being a precious metals and currency site, we will discuss what the original miners supply list consisted of during some of the original gold rushes in North America.

mining supplies camping supplies list

For example, every miner and camper traveling to the gold fields of Yukon Territory were required to have a complete year of supplies per person. A list was even given out to each prospective gold miner and supply dealers also received a list from Northern Pacific Railroad, who transported many to the area.

Let’s check it out:


200 pounds of bacon
400 pounds of flour
85 pounds assorted dried fruit
50 pounds cornmeal
35 pounds rice
24 pounds coffee
5 pounds tea
100 pounds sugar
25 pounds fish
15 pounds soup vegetables
50 pounds oatmeal
50 pounds dried potatoes
50 pounds dried onions
25 cans butter
100 pounds beans
4 dozen tins condensed milk
15 pounds salt
1 pound pepper
8 pounds baking powder
2 pounds baking soda
1/2 pound mustard
3/4 pound ginger
36 pounds yeast cakes
60 boxes of matches
5 bars of soap

1 suit oil clothing
3 pairs snag-proof rubber boots
3 pairs heavy shoes
1 dozen heavy socks
6 pairs wool mittens
3 suits heavy underwear
2 pairs Mackinaw trousers
2 pairs overalls
2 hats
4 heavy woolen overshirts
1 Mackinaw coat
1 heavy rubber-lined coat
suspenders, hankerchiefs, snow glasses
2 pairs of heavy woolen blankets
2 oil blankets
4 towels
buttons, thread, needles
5 yards mosquito netting

1 large bucket
1 set granite buckets
2 axes, plus extra handle
2 picks
1 shovel
pack strap
6 files
drawing knife
brace and bits
jack plane
3 chisels
butcher knife
200 feet, 3/8- inch rope
10 pounds pitch
5 pounds oakum
2 caulking irons
15 pounds nails
whet stone
quartz glass
2 frying pans
coffee and tea pot
40 pounds of candles
eating utensils: plate, cup, knife fork, spoon
pots and pans
steel stove for 4 men
gold pan
gold scales

Of Course, other items were listen as well on these documents:

medicines, reading matter, guns, ammunition and personal items, etc.

Source: Jones, Charlotte Foltz.  Yukon Gold, The Story of the Klondike Gold Rush , New York: Holiday House, 1999, 33-34.

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