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Showing Listings for 16 Banks that Issued Obsolete Notes In Nebraska

  • The Brownville Bank & Land Company
  • The Bank of Nebraska
  • The Nebraska Land & Banking Company
  • The Omaha & Chicago Bank
  • The Omaha City Bank And Company
  • The Western Exchange & Land Company
  • The Bank of Tekama In Burt County
  • The Fontenelle Bank of Bellevue
  • The Nemaha Valley Bank
  • The Bank of Dakota
  • The Corn Exchange Bank
  • The Bank of De Soto
  • The Waubeek Bank
  • The Western Land And Exchange Company
  • The Bank of Florence
  • The Platte Valley Bank

Obsolete money is valued similarly to any other antique currency. The condition and rarity are the two most important factors that determine what the specimen can be valued at.


List of States:

Browse Banks That Issued Obsolete Bank Notes by State

Alabama ( 23 Banks )

Arkansas ( 2 Banks )

Connecticut ( 90 Banks )

Delaware ( 17 Banks )

District of Columbia ( 80 Banks )

Florida ( 15 Banks )

Georgia ( 66 Banks )

Illinois ( 164 Banks )

Indiana ( 126 Banks )

Iowa ( 2 Banks )

Kansas ( 12 Banks )

Kentucky ( 47 Banks )

Louisiana ( 33 Banks )

Maine ( 132 Banks )

Maryland ( 56 Banks )

Massachusetts ( 266 Banks )

Michigan ( 81 Banks )

Minnesota ( 36 Banks )

Mississippi ( 45 Banks )

Missouri ( 13 Banks )

Nebraska ( 16 Banks )

New Hampshire ( 76 Banks )

New Jersey ( 114 Banks )

New York ( 485 Banks )

North Carolina ( 21 Banks )

Ohio ( 96 Banks )

Pennsylvania ( 143 Banks )

Rhode lsland ( 114 Banks )

South Carolina ( 20 Banks )

Tennessee ( 46 Banks )

Texas ( 2 Banks )

Utah ( 1 Banks )

Vermont ( 61 Banks )

Virginia ( 44 Banks )

Wisconsin ( 166 Banks )

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