Bill Searching for Rare $1 Bank Notes


Bill searching through 100 $1 Bills in order to find some fancy serial numbers, error bank notes, and more! Bill searching is always fun due to the thrill of the hunt for me!

In this video I found serial number G 08120804 E

On this date (08/12/804):

1.) Emperor Charlemagne finishes the conquest of Saxony. The Carolingian administration in the north is restored and the diocese of Bremen is re-established.

2.) The Gymnasium Carolinum in Osnabrück is founded by Charlemagne (the oldest school in Germany)

Remember… Always check your bills!

Serial numbers, miscuts, and errors of all kinds can make their way into your pocket or wallet. These can be worth hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars! Comment or email us any questions or suggestions for videos on coins, bills and other banknotes, precious metals and more!

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